The aim of the program

The aim of the educational program corresponds with Guram Tavartkiladze Tbilisi Teaching University Mission; it is focused on the employment market and is set up as following paragraphs:

  • Preparing qualified, competitive specialists, taking into consideration national and international standards and experience of tourism, which will be able to manage their professional activities in the field of tourism business in private and public sectors with modern technologies and methods of tourism management;
  • Preparation of publicly responsible staff recognizing an important role in tourism
    and mission in the field of sustainable development of society, protection of the country's natural environment and cultural-historical values;
  • Providing students with necessary knowledge and skills to continue studying in master's degree program.

Study Outcomes

Educational Program should provide the development of general and sectoral competences required for the Tourism Business Administration sector. In particular, after completion of the educational program the bachelor should have the following competences:

General competences

Conclusion making skills

Bachelor should have:

  • Ability to formulate argumentative conclusions based on theoretical concepts and practical data;
  • Within the scope of its competences, the ability to analyze the processes in tourism business and logical generalization;
  • The ability to express their regulation directions and measures of Tourism Business and the problems identified in the tourist organization;
  • Ability to justify the best selection of alternative options in order to improve the situation in the field of tourism business organization and management under the minimum supervision;
  • Ability to generalize and conclude the results of Tourist business environmental marketing research.

Communication skills

Bachelor should be able to:

  • Business communication in tourism management, participation in discussions, preparation of written report and oral presentation. Also, it should be able to provide information about the sphere in a foreign language (predominantly in English) and preparation of the report;
  • Using of modern information technology (including GDS, GIS) in tourism;
  • The consistent transmission of theoretical or quantitative information related to the field of specialists and non-specialists;
  • Communication with different cultures representatives.

Learning Skills

Bachelor should be able to:

  • To conduct your own learning process in the field of tourism business organization and management using a broad spectrum of theoretical sources or information resources;
  • Evaluation of your own knowledge level and to determine further learning needs to enhance it;
  • Independently acquiring new technologies in the field of tourism business organization and management ensuring further professional development;
  • Continuations of study in the high degree of independence


Bachelor should possess:

  • Ethical and moral values of tourism management, the ability to carry these values into a corporate culture;
  • Professional behaviors and ethical norms;
  • The ability to recognize the role and importance of tourism as a defender of natural, historical-cultural and ethnic values;
  • Professional and social responsibility for sustainable development of the sector;
  • The ability to respect the intercultural differences.

Field competences:
Knowledge and understanding

Bachelor should be aware of the role and mission of tourism, have extensive knowledge of tourism sector, in particular, he should know:

  • Business and management theories, concepts, basic principles;
  • Tourism theory, concepts, principles;
  • Micro and macroeconomic processes operating in tourism;
  • Basics of Marketing and tourism marketing;
  • Management of finances;
  • Legal norms of tourism;
  • Strategic management methods;
  • International trends of tourism , projections;
  • Types of mass and alternative tourism;
  • The main destinations of the world and Georgia, their management methods, the importance of the DMO and its management methods;
  • The role of tourism based on the local community and importance in Tourism sustainable development;
  • Functions of a tourist enterprise, its efficiency and management methods (TROPPERATING);
  • Planning and implementation of tours and excursions; •
  • The importance of hospitality in tourism, the role of hotels and restaurants, development and main aspects of management;
  • The essence of the recreation and resort sector, their development and management aspects;
  • The role and importance of the transport industry in tourism;
  • Cultural tourism, its essence, development and management aspects;
  • Special types of tourism (MICE, Cultural, Adventure, Ecotourism) their peculiarities, development and management aspects;
  • The role of animation in fundraising, its development and management;
    Main aspects of negotiations, brands and sales management;
  • The main aspects of Cross Culture management.

Ability to use Knowledge in Practice

Bachelor should possess:

  • Ability to use practical method of skills for (in some case, non-standard) tourism activities;
  • Skills assessment of standard and nonstandard situations of trends, connections, networks, unions in Tourism industry;
  • Improvement of the management and management process of tourism business and / or organizational processes demonstrating skills;
  • Due to the organization's strategy, the ability to demonstrate human resources management;
  • Tourist products and services, marketing research skills;
  • Tourist enterprise management, planning and organizing tours skills;
  • Excursions planning and organization skills;
  • Ability to create tourism mass and special types (congressional, adventure, cultural, ecological) tours;
  • Field research skills

Bachelor should be able to:

  • Identification of the factors determining the internal and external environment in the specific situation in order to achieve the goals of the tourism organization;
  • Analyze the financial and legal aspects of the field;
  • Planning management of destinations within its competence;
  • Conduct a research under the supervision;
  • Compilation and management of a business plan;
  • To gather tourism related documentation and information, interpretation, storage and management;
  • Assessment of problems in tourism sector and determine the ways of their solution.

Bachelor's professional activity sphere, object and activity types

Taking into consideration the theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in the teaching process, the Bachelor can be employed: In state, public and / or private sector; Tourism enterprises; Tourism agencies; in hotels; Restaurants; Governmental and non-governmental structures; and occupy the position of the manager,” Head “, “specialist", perform any kind of professional activities: organizational-management, administrative-economic and other. Within the limits of his / her competence to manage tourism enterprises and their subdivisions; participate in planning, organizing,
in management and decision making processes; Prepare administrative-normative documents; Effectively conduct and / or participate in the functioning of the structural units of the organization; Manage the process of optimization of organizational structure, participation of getting out the company from the crisis; plan the operating system of development and ensure its effective management;
participate in developing and administering strategic plans and innovative projects of the company. Particularly important is that the graduates will be able to start their own business with a small initial capital, which distinguishes tourism from other branches.

Qualification to be granted

After obtaining the number of credits established by the educational program and submitting a certificate confirming the level of English language knowledge, the graduate is granted Qualification / Academic Degree: - Bachelor of Business Administration in Tourism 16 and the graduate is granted a diploma in a form established by the state, the graduate is
also granted bilingual diploma supplement, established by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNERCO / CEPES

Program structure

The structure of the educational program is focused on the labour market demand, has a high level of flexibility and gives the student an opportunity to create an individual curriculum at the expense of compulsory and elective training courses, combinations and choices.