Alumni and Friends

Nodar Javakhishvili

Nodar Javakhishvili

PHARM  HOUSE,    Commercial   Director




In 2013 I graduated from Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University, faculty of Law.

Before I applied I had been thinking for long time which HEI to choose; which university could give me modern education and today I know that I have made right choice.

I really got such kind of education that is the solid baisi for your sussessful career.

With the help of Guram tavartkiladze Taching University I managed to become the students of one of the best universities in the world _ Charles University in Prague and graduated from the faculty of Marketing.

I want to express my deep gratitude towards the staff of Guram Tavatkiladze Teaching University, representatives of the administration, whose contribution in my professional growth was really enormous, I obtained knowledge and faced the challenges of real life.

GTTU is the place which gives you the real possibilities to achieve the goals.

You should not give up and go for your dream, carrying the name of GTTU with dignity.



University Students Met EU Ambassador

13 June 2012

On June 13, 2012 the Head of EU Delegation Philip Dimitrov visited Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University in Georgia. Before the meeting with the students Mr. Dimitrov visited material and technical base of the University, TV and Radio, Criminalistics laboratory, Imitated bank, Travel agency and consulting laboratories. At the meeting with students the Ambassador talked about the EU Delegation activities mission and function in Georgia. He said that the EU mission in Georgia opened in 1995 and the function of this diplomatic mission covers three spheres: Political relations, economic and trade relations, cooperation and foreign assistance.

The Delegation tries to provide the assistance in compliance with the EU's trade policy, humanitarian aid, support for democracy, human rights and the media, institutional building and other activities of foreign policy. The agreement about partnership and cooperation between Georgia and EU implies the close political, economic, social, financial and cultural cooperation provision between the parties.

Mr. Dimitrov talked about the implemented economical and legal system reforms; educational exchange programs for students, the simplifying procedure of getting study visas, about the expected positive results which may follow Georgia's accession to the EU and generally the future perspectives of Georgia as the European standard country. At the end of the meeting the Ambassador answered students’ questions and wished them success in their studies.