Alumni and Friends

Elene Margalitashvili

Elene Margalitashvili

TV MTAVARI - journalist


Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University is the best choice what I have done in my life!

This is the place where you have been noticed, a place where you become a better person, a place that seemed to be far away at first, and then it becomes even the most familiar. No matter where I will study, which university name should be added to my biography, whenever a question is asked to me  I will answer with great pride , warmth and love that I studied in Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University  on the Faculty of Social Sciences! 


Certificate_ for Effective communication with the visitors

17 February 2014

On 14-15, 2014 ‘Expo Georgia’ exhibition hall hosted the participants of ‘The fourth International Educational Fair for Study Abraod and other Students’ Services’.

Over 80 Higher Educational Institutions took part in the International Fair.

This year Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching Univwraity has participated for the fourth tome in such International Forum and has acquainted the visitors with the innovative services offered at the University.

In particular, apart from other traditional specialities, the applicants have new options to choose the speciality of Psychologym the Faculty of Social Sciences and at the Master’s level there is a new joint International Porgram in Business Administration designed in partnership with British collegues.

By the End of the Internatioanl forum the representatives of GTTU have been awarded the certificates for the best communication with the visitors.