
The online meeting of the Erasmus+ project “STEM4Humanities” was held

8 November 2023

Today, an online meeting was held between the participants of “Erasmus+” project, called “STEM4Humanities”. The participants of the aforementioned meeting were the representatives of the following institutions, involved in the consortium of the project: Georgian International University GIU (Georgia); UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MACERATA (Coordinator); Mitropolitiko College Anoymi Ekpaideytiki Etairia (Greece); Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine); Innovation Hive (Greece); Universite de Lille (France); Mykolo Romerio Universitetas (Lithuania); Politechnika Wroclawska (Poland).

The essence of the project, the deliverables of Work Packages, the distribution of functions between the participants and other administrative details were discussed during the meeting. The consortium partners also discussed the kick-off meeting details which is supposed to be held in Italy.

Head of the Department of International Relations, Assistant Professor Grigol Kalandadze and Head of Research Support Center, Professor Zoia Adamia attended the meeting on behalf of Georgian International University GIU.