
Professor Edisher Putkaradze the scholar of German Academic Exchange Service

11 April 2016

In 2016, 7 of April Edisher Putkaradze gained the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scientific - research scholarship for the third time. He had previously obtained the Max-Planck and DAAD scientific scholarships.

Professor Edisher Putkaradze under the support of the above mentioned scholarships was in the German universities and scientific research centers (Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, University of Cologne) at different times.

This time Professor Edisher Putkaradze with DAAD- scholarship is invited to the scientific internship in Berlin in Humboldt University. This current year from August he will work on the issue of punishment according to the German criminal law, according to the preliminary agreement reached with German colleagues.